Gogovan Delivery Web Track N Trace


GOGOVAN delivery platform for checking order status.



A rewrite of a legacy project to Vuejs web SPA. This is a GOGOVAN internal project for validating Driver registration. Feature with update profile, images, search and check for driver database.

Gogovan Business Site (B2b)


GOGOVAN online van booking dashboard for business clients. Feature for geting price quote, monthly bill reports, batch van ordering, organization user managements, order management and more.

Gogovan Driver Web Registration


A web portal for all GOGOVAN driver registration (Web, iOS & android webview support). Data Token exchange through webview. This site made with Reactjs Redux, and material design layout with Ant.design. I updated the webpack from 2 to 3 and doing many production optimization. Wrote a deployment script base on s3-deploy

Gogovan Company Site


The legacy company website in 5 countries (hk, tw, kr, sg, in) and languages. With User loging for price quoting for delivery locations. Build with angular 1 and ejs template. Gulp compile hosting on Herokuapp.

Gogovan Driver App Legacy



Cordova App development delivery platform on Android and iOS for 5 countries of HK, TW, KR, CN, SG. Managing team of 3 engineers, running scrum.

DAU 6-12k, MAU 23k-48k with crash free rate from 92.8% 99%
Session length from ~1min to 10~15m


Driver platform is a 6 countries feature and language on CN, HK, TW, KR, SG, IN. 13,000+ Daily active driver real time platform. Real time ordering / GPS location tracking.

screencapture-itunes-apple-tw-app-gogovan-id708390103-2018-06-28-14 11 02

Appledaily Main Site

AppleDaily 2015

Maintain / participate development on close to 150 million monthly page views HK & TW apple daily sites. Focusing on developed on appleddaily websites, CMS, feed generator, and API layer, helps migrate 3rd party service like video streaming (movideo), social network member system (gigya), business analytics ( GTM and GA premium).

Burpee.com Estore

Desato 2011

add-on and update module, maintain, refactor in JSP, Java, xml, Javascript. Deployment of hotfix, full release build to JBoss. Add new features like gift message on shipping group, promotion with targeter, campaign optimizer on product pages. Implemented plugins like Google Analytics, bazaar voice, omniture, metadata, Image Forge, facebook, pinterest, share this.